Financial market: Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics show the value of housing finance of licensed Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) within the domestic market since March 2019.
APRA is an independent statutory authority that supervises institutions across the banking, insurance and superannuation sectors and promotes financial stability in Australia.
The Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics contain resident data (that is, any institutional unit whose principal place of residence or principal place of production is within Australia’s economic territory) and non-resident data (any institutional unit whose principal place of residence or principal place of production is outside Australia’s economic territory) recorded on the domestic books of licensed ADIs.
The statistics relate to the operations/transactions conducted with residents and non-residents that are recorded on the domestic books of licensed ADIs that submit returns sourced from the Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) data collection. The statistics do not consolidate positions, transactions and other information recorded on the books of overseas-based entities (for example, overseas-based branches and offshore banking units); and exclude foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries of Australian enterprises, and Australian branches and Australian subsidiaries of foreign enterprises.
Data for selected institutions are included, where the value of loans to households for owner-occupied housing is equal to or greater than $2 billion, and the value of total residents loans and finances is equal to or greater than $5 billion. Data for all institutions is available from the source data.
APRA data are also used in the following dashboard menu options: Non-performing residential property loans, Temporary loan repayment deferrals (historic, discontinued) and Monthly banking statistics (historic, discontinued).
See APRA - Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics for source data and further important interpretative information. Source reference table Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics Back Series.