Home ownership: Household tenure (OECD)

Household tenure data provides important information about the variation in home ownership by household income and country.
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Affordable Housing Database publication includes household tenure by income quintile in OECD countries. Income quintiles are based on net income, except in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, South Korea and the United States where gross income is used due to data limitations. Net income is not adjusted for income taxes in Türkiye due to data limitations. Net income is not adjusted for local council taxes and housing benefits in the United Kingdom due to data limitations. Data is calculated based on household surveys. Cross-country comparisons should be undertaken with care. Data for the United States are calculated using experimental weights due to the lack of representativeness of the pandemic edition of the American Community Survey (ACS) and therefore, 2020 data from the United States should be considered as a break in the series.
OECD data are also used in the following dashboard menu options: Social rental housing stock (OECD), Home ownership (OECD), Housing prices (OECD), Housing stock and construction (OECD), Housing costs (OECD) and Homelessness estimates (OECD).
See the OECD Affordable Housing Database for further information, including definitions, methods, commentary and analysis, in particular data and comparability issues. Source tables HM1.3.A1 and HM1.3.A4.