Financial market: Monthly banking statistics (historic, discontinued)

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s (APRA) monthly banking statistics show the value of housing finance of banking institutions within the domestic market from July 2002 to June 2019.
APRA is an independent statutory authority that supervises institutions across the banking, insurance and superannuation sectors and promotes financial stability in Australia. Monthly banking statistics were sourced from the ARF 320.0 Statement of Financial Position (Domestic Books) returns that banks were required to submit to APRA under the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001. The statistics contain only resident data (individual, business or other organisation domiciled in Australia) recorded on the domestic books of licensed banks. The domestic books of a bank includes operations/transactions booked or recorded inside Australia; does not consolidate Australian or offshore controlled entities; includes transactions of Australian-based offshore banking units; excludes transactions of overseas-based offshore banking units; excludes offshore branches; and excludes transactions, assets and liabilities with offshore branches.
The Monthly banking statistics publication was discontinued as of July 2019, replaced by the Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics, with data commencing as of March 2019. Reflecting this change, the Monthly banking statistics data tile reflects historic data from July 2002 to July 2019. To explore APRA’s Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics from March 2019 onwards, please see the Monthly authorised deposit-taking institutions statistics dashboard menu option.
APRA data are also used in the following dashboard menu options: Monthly authorised deposit-taking institution statistics, Non-performing residential property loans and Temporary loan repayment deferrals (historic, discontinued).
See APRA - Monthly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Statistics for source data and further important interpretative information. Source reference Historical data, table Monthly Banking Statistics June 2019 back series. See Authorised deposit-taking institution publications refresh for more information on the changes to banking statistics from APRA.